30 plus years of experience as a critical care RN. Teaching at CPRLink for over 10 years.

Currently works in ER nursing. Teaching at CPRLink for 8 years.

Where we came from
CPRLink started as a drive to fill a simple need for our fellow nurses, who found that other BLS courses were too impersonal, unengaging, and stressful for them to learn and retain the content. We strove to provide classes that were fun, friendly, and stress-free while remaining practical and thorough. As word spread, we found nurses coming from all over the country to learn with us, and medical professionals of different disciplines started joining as well. Our students were RNs, but also MDs, CNAs, PTs, RTs, and EMTs.
For the last 10 years, we've been growing organically by word of mouth (and your wonderful Yelp reviews!) to expand our community well outside the medical field. Hospitality staff, high school teachers, church groups, logistics companies, ice skating rinks, and more have taken classes with us at our office or theirs and have come away with the knowledge that they can act confidently in moments of crisis.
Where we're going
Our goal from here is to teach as many people as we can about how to save lives. Of course we're always looking for ways to refine our teaching materials and office space to improve the learning experience. But beyond that, we want to make contact with people from all walks of life in any and every industry, with emphasis on spreading the word to younger generations. It's our belief that everyone of every age should learn CPR, and we put our ideals into action with CPR Kids.
We would also like to give more to disadvantaged communities in the Philippines who need food, clothing, and medical supplies. We've provided funds to partner programs to feed families who would otherwise go without, and raise the standard of living for Filipinos in poverty with debilitating chronic medical conditions. By simply taking classes at CPRLink, you are directly supporting this charity initiative. We've also designed merch for those who make direct donations at our office.